PIAAC - Study : The Socio-Demographic Distribution of Key Information-Processing Skills

by Friday, October 11, 2013 0 Kommentare
PIAAC - Study : The Socio-Demographic Distribution of Key Information-Processing Skills

This chapter of the PIAAC-study (PISA for adults ) examines the relationship between proficiency in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments and a number of important socio-demographic characteristics – age, gender, socio-economic background, educational attainment, immigrant and language background, and type of occupation. To what extent does proficiency vary between men and women, between people of different ages and backgrounds, between adults with different educational qualifications and who work in different types of jobs? Does the strength of these relationships differ between countries? Knowing how proficiency is distributed across different groups in the population within countries, and how these distributions vary between countries, can help policy makers and others determine the strengths and weaknesses of national polices and institutional arrangements related to acquiring information-processing skills, identify groups at risk of poor outcomes and exclusion due to low levels of proficiency in these key skills, and target assistance to them. Such information is relevant not only in helping to identify possible problems but also in indicating where countries can learn from others.

via bitly http://bit.ly/17jtLwO http://skills.oecd.org/SkillsOutlook_2013_Chapter3.pdf



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