7 Essential Principles of Innovative Learning

by Sunday, October 13, 2013 0 Kommentare
7 Essential Principles of Innovative Learning

“The book - The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice - and the accompanying practitioner’s guide lay out the key principles for designing learning environments that will help students build skills useful in a world where jobs are increasingly information and knowledge-based. The principles are not job-specific – no one knows what the future economy will demand. Instead, the main goal is to develop self-directed learners, students with “adaptive expertise.” “Adaptive expertise tries to push beyond the idea of mastery,” said Jennifer Groff, an educational engineer and co-founder of the Center for Curriculum Redesign. “You may be proficient, but without adaptive expertise you can get stuck very quickly as the world shifts.””

via bitly http://bit.ly/GMcmWY http://blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/02/7-essential-principles-of-innovative-learning/



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