Changing the Way Science Is Taught | Exploratorium

by Thursday, May 09, 2013 0 Kommentare
Changing the Way Science Is Taught | Exploratorium

“Changing the Way Science Is Taught For most students, science is still defined by textbook chapter assignments on Monday and vocabulary quizzes on Friday. Regrettably, only about one out of ten classrooms give students an opportunity to experience science in an interactive way. The Exploratorium is working to change that. Whether on the exhibit floor, in our Tinkering Studio, or in the museum’s classrooms, the Exploratorium provides learners with opportunities to directly observe and manipulate natural phenomena. Active engagement with natural phenomena encourages learners to ask and investigate their own questions and to test, modify, or expand their ideas and explanations about how the world works. And to support others in their efforts to transform science teaching and learning, a number of our programs provide professional development to educators in both formal and informal settings. The Exploratorium has several long-standing, highly regarded professional development programs that are rooted in our ed

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